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From MS Diagnosis to Taming the Walrus
It’s 1999. I’m living in Dublin and going about my usual day. I’m at my regular step class at the gym when, out of nowhere, I lose control of my right foot. I try to place it firmly on the step, but it keeps slipping off to the side.
That moment was the start of my journey with multiple sclerosis (MS), and people often ask me: what’s the hardest part of living with it? For me, there are three big challenges.
MS affects the central nervous system, which means anything can happen. You live with a constant uncertainty about which part of your body or mind might be affected next. Will it be your legs? Your arms? Your memory? Your eyesight? It’s tough not to let your imagination spiral into worst-case scenarios every time a new symptom appears. Learning to live with that uncertainty, and finding ways to stay calm, has been key for me.
Another challenge is learning to feel good in a body that doesn’t always cooperate. How do you stay kind to your body when it seems to be working against you? I always thought feeling good mentally depended on feeling good physically, but MS taught me to rethink my relationship with my body, and with myself.
The third challenge is giving MS just enough attention without letting it take over your life. An MS nurse once advised me to only use 80% of my energy each day and save the rest for MS. She was so right. Ignoring it completely only leads to burnout. For me, it’s been about finding balance: I give MS 20% of my energy by resting, doing yoga, relaxing, and learning about it, while making sure it doesn’t dominate my life or relationships.
How Yoga & Breathwork helped me
When I first tried yoga, I thought it would be too easy. I was so wrong! Yoga is amazing for building strength, flexibility, and balance but it’s also wonderfully challenging.
One day, I was hesitant to attend class because I’d lost all sensation in my left foot. It felt strange, but I decided to go anyway because I loved the class so much. Things went well until we tried a balancing pose called Half Moon. It involves supporting your body on one leg and one arm. I fell, on both sides! My frustration got the best of me, and I realised how deeply connected the body and mind are.
Over time, yoga taught me how to use my breath to calm my emotions and stay steady in the poses. Slowly, I reconnected with my body, learning to befriend it again. Yoga also helped me relax, enjoy the present moment, and even discover techniques to ease some of my physical symptoms.
Reconnecting with the body
Gradually, over the years, I learned to use the breath to calm my emotions and hold the postures. Yoga helped me reconnect with my body and to some extent, to become friends again. It also helped me relax, step back, and enjoy the present moment. I also learned to recognise the postures and breathing techniques that could alleviate some physical symptoms. I also observed how different postures and breathing practices influence my emotional state. I identified those that give me a sense of comfort or boost my energy.
Beyond physical benefits
However, the impact Yoga and Breathwork had on my life goes beyond the therapeutic effects of the asanas. They also encouraged me to change my lifestyle. Before starting yoga, I was addicted to the gym, spending hours each week doing aerobics, step aerobics, spinning… but still smoking 25 Gauloises blondes a day. I could see no reason why I should quit smoking since I was doing fine in the gym! But once I started yoga, I was driven towards a healthier way of life, as if my body was eager to “detox”.
The natural healing life force
I now believe that yoga triggered the natural healing force in me, the force that Hippocrates described as: “The natural healing force within each of us [that] is the greatest force in getting well”. In 2001, I had been prescribed interferon to delay the progression of MS but I stopped in 2003, and decided instead to opt for an alternative holistic way focusing on yoga but also diet, acupuncture, relaxation and meditation. In 2012, I discovered the Overcoming MS Programme and have followed it since then.
My New Lifestyle
Personally, I am convinced that my new lifestyle has helped me to slow down the progression of MS. The MRI scan I did in 2012 shows less lesions than the first one I did in 2001. My neurologist argues that it is not a proof. Maybe he is right, maybe I am just extremely lucky but I do believe and feel that I am healthier and stronger now thanks to yoga.
Learning a lot
I´ve learned a lot thanks to MS and yoga, especially about myself. I see MS – my walrus – as a guide constantly pushing me to change, improve, and learn. So many questions come up when you live with MS: what are your biggest fears? What do you expect from others? How do you see yourself? What is most important in your life? These questions also come up naturally when one digs deeper into yoga…
Embracing challenges
MS throws challenges at you. So does life. So in a way, MS prepares us to embrace other challenges. I also have to admit that I like challenges in general… for me they are opportunities to grow and improve.
Feeling strong & healthy
I have no doubt that yoga helped me to live better with MS and feel stronger and healthier. My personal experience motivated me to train as a yoga teacher, and later in yoga therapy. Yoga can help us move our bodies, free our minds and transform our lives! The toolbox offered by yoga is indeed fabulous. More recently, I also discovered the power of Breathwork. It is possible to use the tools offered by yoga and Breathwork to better manage our lives – with or without MS-, and to navigate the ups and downs of daily living.
This is what I want to share with you.
Yoga & Breathwork helped me reconnect with the natural healing force that is within each of us”
Why the walrus?
The name “Taming the Walrus” comes from a dream I had three months before I was officially diagnosed. Here is a description of the dream:
“It was a nice day, in a quiet residential area. I was walking with a friend towards a house, a detached house, with outside steps on the right side, leading down to a small garden. My friend disappeared but I walked down the steps. The garden was barren with two miserable trees. No foliage. A double garage door was the only way in the house so I ventured in. As I entered the basement, an enormous female walrus slowly wobbled towards me.
My God, she was the most impressive being I had ever seen! The top of her head nearly reached the ceiling. Each time she approached closer, her whole gelatinous body quavered as if moved by an invisible wave. I couldn’t move. I couldn’t talk. I could only watch her.
She had a friendly tusk-less face. She stopped close to me and gazed at me through long eyelashes. I could sense that she didn’t want to scare me, on the opposite. But she was so huge!
Then she started to talk. And told me a charade. Deep down, I knew that I only had to solve this charade for her to let me walk on… And then, I woke up. I had forgotten the charade!
I believe in this dream. If MS were an animal, it would be my walrus, huge, shapeless, impressive but friendly. I know that I only need to solve this charade to move on.”
For me, Taming the Walrus is a journey, a riddle, an invitation to explore, learn and grow…
Professional credentials
Professional development is really important to me and I love to constantly challenge myself as a yoga teacher to make sure I keep developing professionally. I read a lot, not just about yoga but also about breathing, mitochondria, telomeres, the gut microbiome, inflammation, menopause, intermittent fasting, lifestyle medicine, visualisations…
After training in Hatha Yoga with Vidya Heisel, Frog Lotus International, in 2009 (200 hr) and in Yoga Therapy with Dr Omanand at the Paramanand Institute of Yoga Science & Research, Indore in 2013 (500 hr), I kept training workshops with various teachers but Breathwork has definitely become increasingly important to me and is a central part of all my retreats.
• Advanced Breathwork Course with Dr Ela Manga (Feb 2023)
• Applied Polyvagal Theory in Therapeutic Yoga, with Dr Arielle Schwartz (Dec 2020, Jan 2021)
• MS Get a Head Start Instructor Certificate, with Gilly Davy (June 2019)
• Yoga as Therapy Advanced Training, with Doug Keller (Oct 2012, Nov 2015)
• Teaching Restorative Yoga, with Roger Cole (Oct 2015)
• Teaching adaptive yoga for people with disability, with Dr Omanand (June 2013)
In the Press

Dossier: Rebondir; Témoignage by
Véronique, Esprit Yoga, numéro 15